AIROLIFE 高效能空氣淨化系統 醫療級製氧機
本公司因應疫後希望為客人提供更優質服務,現增設 免費 上門室內空氣測試服務。此服務由專業空氣顧問人員進行檢測及講解,為各客戶解決日常家居或辦公室常見的空氣問題如: 病毒、細菌、致敏原及裝修後所產生的空氣問題(總揮發性有機化合物、甲醛等)。如有興趣了解更多,可與我們預約。
In response to the post-epidemic situation, our company hopes to provide better services to our customers, and now offers free indoor air testing and door-to-door advice services. This service is tested and explained by professional indoor air consultants to help customers solve common air problems in their homes or office, such as viruses, bacteria, allergens and air problems caused by renovation (total volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, etc. ). Please let us know if you are interested.
(62792560 Anson Whatsapp)